Dota 2 light of heaven
Dota 2 light of heaven

dota 2 light of heaven

Heavenly Grace can now be dispelled by enemies, allowing them to remove all its benefits. The spell also had near-permanent uptime with a level 20 talent, gaining a 10 second duration and 11-second cooldown. Heavenly Grace provides 50% status resistance, 38 strength, 20 health regeneration (30 with talent), and removes debuffs when applied. The biggest nerf he received in Dota 2 patch 7.30c is to Heavenly Grace, arguably Omniknight’s best spell.

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  • Getting into melee range to decrease enemy movement speed is rarely worth the risk of dying. Omniknight functions more as a priest than as a knight, and is positioned at the back of team fights. The buff to Degen Aura is pointless in most circumstances. Omniknight doesn’t have the biggest mana pool in the game, so an additional 25 mana cost at the first two levels of the spells is still considered manageable. The nerf to Guardian Angel is most felt during the early levels.
  • Level 20 Talent -3s Heavenly Grace Cooldown reduced to -2.
  • In the recent Dota 2 patch 7.30c update, Omniknight received three nerfs and one buff to his toolkit.

    dota 2 light of heaven

    Nerfs to Omniknight in Dota 2 patch 7.30c Credit: Valve Omniknight’s overwhelming strength certainly got the attention of IceFrog’s nerf hammer, but did the hero get nerfed too hard? Omniknight had the third-highest win rate in high-level MMR games, and was also highly contested in the recent Sapphire OGA Dota PIT Invitational. This resulted in a huge uptick in the hero’s win rate and popularity. The hero had his stats adjusted, which included a buff to Heavenly Grace as it gained more strength, while his ultimate Guardian Angel’s cooldown was reduced. Omniknight was one of the big winners of Dota 2 patch 7.30.

    Dota 2 light of heaven